You pay for what you get.

My rephrasing of the familiar phrase, “you get what you pay for,” is intentional. Let me explain. Some who seek ghost writing services believe they will get a high quality book on the cheap. Unfortunately, a poorly written book can do more harm than good to your business and can result in brand distrust.

Whether you hire TSG or another ghostwriter, professional ghostwriting will run between $1-$3 per word.

If you find cheaper rates, it’s likely your book will be written by AI with little to no human touch. Although AI is an amazing tool, it cannot, in its current iteration, replace writers.

AI writing often offers a good jumping off place, but left unedited it reads, well, like a robot wrote it.

TSG’s rates are $1.25 per word for original content. Lower rates for rewrites are available and determined on a per project basis.

Rates for a one-hour consultation are $225.